Saturday, July 5, 2008

Lets Learn About An Author!

Students... How would you like to learn about a really awesome author/illustrator by doing some fun activities?

Let me introduce you to one of my favorite authors. His name is Todd Parr and he writes and illustrates really fun books. He has a very unique style to him and his books are always filled with good messages. If you would like to learn more about him here are some fun ways to do

Idea #1: You could research Todd Parr and then make a bookmark that has some fun facts about him and draw a picture on it using his unique art style. When you finish the bookmark, you can make copies of it and give them to a local library. Here are some websites to help: and

Idea #2: Go to the local library and check out one of Todd Parr's books. After reading it, do a search online to try and find out why the author chose to write it. Sometimes authors write books for really interesting reasons. Then, with some friends or family members try to act out the book. This is usually a lot of fun and entertaining. You could put on a play for you family or neighborhood.

Idea #3: When you are at the library try to check out Underwear Do's and Don'ts. This is one of my favorite books by Todd Parr; I'm sure that you will enjoy it as well. Once you read the book, try to write two more pages by yourself. You can get everyone in your family to write two new ones as well. You should also draw pictures to go along with the words. Once you are done, you can make your own book by putting everyone's together.

Idea #4: You could write a letter to Todd Parr and tell him about your favorite book. You could also ask him questions. Writing to an author is always fun.

The next time that you are at the library or bookstore make sure to check out Todd Parr's books. I'm sure that you won't be disappointed!

Teachers: To see a complete unit plan on Todd Parr click here.

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